
Homecoming Festival

Christa and I are co-sponsors of the Senior Women at our school. Our club is in charge of the Homecoming Tiger Festival so we had to stay late and help make sure things ran smoothly. I went and picked up Isabella so that she could go to the festival. She had a blast and was often the subject of many "she is sooo cute" comments! Dave has a late business dinner so we are on our own until later tonight. When we got home this evening, Isabella and I were very delighted to find a package from her grandma Karen. The package contained a ton of VERY CUTE clothes for Isabella and a very cute sweater for little Sophia. As Isabella was opening the package and looking through the clothes, she said "cute....". She also say pumpkin!

I need to start slowing down. I have had a few rough days lately. Last night I was in so much pain (it felt like Sophia was turning and turning in my stomach). I was also having Braxton Hicks. The good news is I have only gained 20 pounds in this pregnancy so far and I have 7 weeks remaining. Now, if I can do well for Halloween and Thanksgiving, I will be doing great.

This weekend we are going with my family to Shreveport to attend my cousin Johnathan's wedding. I am looking forward to going because I haven't seen the Machen family in a long time.

I almost forgot, this morning Isabella, Dave, and I had breakfast at the new McDonals by our house. Talk about FANCY!!!! The interior was so cool. It was decorated in an Asian theme. It looked like a hip coffee shop instead of McDonalds!

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