I made a crock pot roast for dinner....yum...soooo good....and easy, and wonderful smelling when you walk in after a long day at work....easy recipe....1 roast, 2 cans of low fat creme of mushroom soup, 2 cans of water, bell pepper, onion, (season the roast with tony's).....serve over rice....
Of course the kids ate very little...that is ok...bc every night they eat very little, it ends up in their lunch box the next day!!! By that time they are hungry and will eat it!
Today was hard....I hate complaining because I feel like a brat....I have such a wonderful life....wonderful husband, kids, family, friends, house, car....etc...I could go on and on...I am just super sensitive....I am happy for everyone....I want the best for everyone...Every job I have worked at I have had worked with the BEST people...we have had soooo much fun....My current job has some really nice people....but sometimes I get the vibe from people that they hate the fact that Christa and I are so close and that we work together....I just don't get it....and in the meanwhile I take it personally and let it ruin my whole day....
I just have to keep praying for positiveness (is that a word?)...and be GRATEFUL for what I do have....and the fact I have a job! I love my students...they are wonderful...and they really enjoy my class.
Anyway, life is good.....the girls are being cute...playing with each other.....Sophia's teacher did her hair in cute pig tails, but Dave only had one bow...so she is uneven....but cute....Isabella's teacher keeps putting her in side pony tails...Dave keeps telling me he feels like the girls look like rag a muffins every day....he is good....great in fact!!!!!! I am blessed!!!!
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