
10 months

Finley is 10 months today!
- crawls 
- cruises
- says dadda and mama
- loves taking baths with her sister
- loves pasta type meals
- needs several naps a day, but doesn't always take them
- claps when you start singing the happy and you know it song
- waves backwards (to herself) when you tell her to wave
- has started standing up to her cousin Charlotte
- is obsessed with me holding/being with her all day
- throws temper tantrums 
- loves her sisters!!!
- wiggle worm for diaper changes
- hates her car seat, or at least being strapped into it

Today was low key. I took the girls to the Y to work out.

We then headed over to HEB

We got home and I told the girls they all had to take a nap or they coukd read on their bed. A few minutes later the two older ones come down giggling saying they need a toothpick. They "accidently" locked themselves out of their room...yea, rught. The problem was that we packed all of the toothpicks. Plan B (wire hanger) worked, but I refused to tell them how I opened it. 

I forgot, Fiinley almost has 4 teeth:)

And finally, Christa emailed Fish City Grill a picture of my Facebook post about the crayons. FCG is a franchise and the owner contacted me. She was so nice and wanted to reimburse us for our dinner and send us a gift card. I said thank you but she didn't have to pay for our dinner over a color. I did say she could send us a gift card for which we would be grateful.

It is funny how something so stupid can cause a customer to never return. I explained that we had three small children and when they color, Dave and I can enjoy our meal:) Sometimes it is the small things:)

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