Today was great...very lazy....we finally got up and then went to the grocery store...Dave was worried all day about the weather...all day long we had a huge cloudy rain cloud that looked like it wanted to rain...he needed to fix our sprinkler system (busted during the ice storm) and mow the we got the girls ready and headed out. Our first stop was Which Which where we had lunch...Our funny moment was when Isabella wouldn't eat her lunch...she said she was scared of the food...where I promptly said I wish I was scared of food....there was a lady waiting for her order who busted out laughing...too funny...
We then went to HEB to do our grocery shopping...I have a dream dinners appointment on Thursday (Christa is joining me) so we didn't do too much. the girls were good but then went nuts in the middle of the store...we tried to leave them both in the shopping cart, but both were having full fledge melt downs...we eventually just started holding both and pushed the cart..."I know"...but it worked:)
We came home and the girls took a long nap...I took that time to clean out the cars (I wet vacced them...they were pretty bad)...Dave (with the help of our awesome neighbor across the street) fixed the sprinkler system...I then made banana strawberry orange muffins...we like having something easy for the girls to eat in the morning...they like waffles and cereal and we have bough them muffins..I found a recipe online that looked pretty good...we had everything except the the girls have muffins for this week and I froze the ones for next week.
We made a dream dinner tonight "Island Steaks"...they were pretty good...Dave likes to cook our steak well done (I am a medium rare kind of girl) but they were good...I got to touch base with my friend Melissa who just had a is good...all my friends are having babies and are getting to see how wonderful this parent thing is hard, but wonderful...I am truly appreciative...
Christa and I have started taking turns bringing lunch...we try and find "fun, low cal lunches"....I found a recipe for an interesting sandwhich...I made Dave let me make him one for lunch as is a bagel (140 cal), turkey, 35 cal swiss cheese, cucumber, red onion, tomato, alfalfa sprouts (have NEVER used those before) and avacado....
Tuesday I have bunco at my house (it is my turn, once a year)...Christa is coming and so is April...which should be fun..I am making taco soup (I know it is a little warm for taco soup) but when I make it, it tastes good!!!!
Tomorrow I meet with my principal for a post ob from my observation...I get to defend the fact that my students really got the material...we shall see...ultimately I am going to hold my head up high knowing that I am an amazing teaching...I really care about the kids and work my tale off teaching them...I am so proud of my work ethic...
1 comment:
Jason and Dave are a lot alike! Jason always told me he liked steak medium rare, but every time he makes it, it's more medium or medium-well. (I like medium rare). Whenever I make the steaks, Jason is always appalled at the amount of blood - I say, "this is medium - rare!" We just figured all of this out - so hopefully he will start taking my meat off the grill sooner!!
Say hi to April for me!
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