Lately Isabella asks me to take her picture...she is such a ham...her favorite moment to ask me is when she is in nothing but her "big girl panties" and my shoes...she is a ham!
We took it easy this afternoon...Dave has been into "chicken tender salads" lately...I was craving crawfish...our compromise was Willie Gs pretty close to our house...the weather was awesome...we were very excited to discover Willie G's had great outdoor seating with a mini sandbox...score! Dave bough a Lone Star Beer that had some type of riddle in the cap...We also saw Dave's neighbor growing up, Carlton and his wife and kids at Willie Gs...they were with their Church friends...
Willie G's is right next to Pet Smart. I suggested we go look at puppies just for fun...the girls really want a puppy...Sophia lights up every time she is near Christa's maltese Lucy...we went to pet smart but they didn't have any dogs for adoption/sale...they suggested a place down the street called CAP...Citizens for Animal is basically an animal rescue with lots of dogs for adoption...we went and took a look...Dave was basically like we can look but "no" on getting a dog....I get where he is coming from, but I think we can get a very small puppy that stays small...we shall see....
My parents got the girls a very cool wagon for Christmas...Dave put most of it together, but got stuck...he finally finished it is very cool...the girls love it...
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