Today was very good...I had a great hour work out at the gym...I have been trying to get up at 4:30 or 4:45 and am at the gym by was funny because yesterday I was on the road at 4:45 and I-10 actually was at a standstill for a few is something you really don't expect. A white truck and semi got into a bad wreck...hopefully everyone was ok.
Tomorrow is my student teacher's last day...Overall it has been a good experience...There have been a few hiccups, but only what you would expect to work with someone 8 hours a day for weeks at a time. I feel bad for her because she is trying to get a job in the worst time ever to be a teacher. She is a really good teacher who really connected with the students. I snuck and had each class fill out a thank-you card. Tomorrow all day we are testing, but the kids wanted to throw her a party after the test. I was going to bake cupcakes for all the classes, but thought about opportunity cost and the time it would take to make 120 cupcakes...I decided to spend 20.00 at Sams and buy desserts for every class..(Sam's is such a good deal)...
Dave worked from home today because Sophia had a fever yesterday...She is feeling much better today. I called on my lunch break to check in on them and got to talk to Sophia (Isabella was sleeping)...Sophia said "hi mom"...and I also got her to say "thumbs up"...something random I taught her to say. I am pretty sure she said "thank you" today after I gave her milk.
Christa called to say my dad called and said they were coming into town this weekend...We already made plans with Dave's brother and wife to come see the girls this weekend...I am hoping we can combine the plans. Christa also called to tell me she thinks she is addicted to Goodwill Select that is right by her house...Christa gets the best deals and finds the neatest things...
One more thing that is too cute. For Christmas Dave's parents bought the girls 2 books that you could record your voice and read the story. Isabella loves pulling them out and opening them up. The funny thing is every time she opens it and Dave's parents start reading the story, she tries to talk back to them:)
Oh, and she loves to show off her "yoga poses"...I wish I knew yoga poses...maybe one day she shall teach me:)
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