If I had to sum up our life, it would be busy...Here is my typical day...(today)...Sophia woke everyone up at 4:30 going nuts..I think she had a nightmare...Dave went back to sleep and I stayed awake with both girls (Isabella was now awake) until 5:15..I then threw gym clothes on and left for the day. (I lay the girls clothes out the night before). I drive to the gym right by my work and get there about 5:45...Christa is there...too funny...I work out until 6:45 am...take a shower and get ready...Christa and I grab breakfast at Subway across from our school...meanwhile Dave has left a message on my phone with the girls screaming their hearts out...he can be heard saying help...he wanted me to understand what he goes through every morning...I am very appreciative but I do want to say...hello Dave, you have been getting the girls ready for 2 months...I have done it for over 2 years...It makes more sense for him to do it now because if I don't leave Katy by 6 am, I will be stuck in traffic for a very long time. I work all day long...(only have a 30 minute lunch)..we have our monthly social studies pot luck..I made Sarah lee pound cake dipped in chocolate bites the night before...of course I didn't eat any of them because I knew they were probably a ton of calories...everyone said they were good!!!!.....3 pm hits, I immediately go to after school tutoring until 4:15...one of the students I was helping out said he can finally tell the difference between Christa and I....I am the one who always looks tired...how sad...As I was leaving work, I noticed several news station trucks across the street from my school...there is a serial rapist on the loose...he raped a lady on our high school track when she was running at 1 am and then raped 2 other ladies in the apartment complex across from our school...I drive to Katy, pick the girls up at 5 pm...take them home, make us dinner (tilipia because we are good Catholics and it is Ash Wednesday)...decide to try and have the girls do an activity I saw on another blog...you fill pots with ice and have the little ones play with it back an forth...they had fun...but it was a mess!!!... give them baths, make the girls lunches (and mine) for tomorrow...do a couple loads of laundry because we are going out of town on Friday and I have a late night tomorrow night...Dave texts that he has waited downtown at the bus stop for 40 minutes...He finally gets home at 10 minutes til 7pm. The girls are almost ready for their bedtime...It is now 8:21...Isabella has been knocking on our door because she doesn't want to sleep in her big girl bed...I am blogging because I have made a promise to myself that I will be good about it so the girls have a sense of what life was like....all and all I can truly say I am blessed....wonderful family, beautiful girls, awesome husband, job I really like....life is good....but busy!!!!
Oh...and I almost forgot...one of my highlights of the day...while my 7th period was working on a project I created AP Macroeconomic graphs that the students have to know how to draw....I am such a nerd!!!
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