I have really tried to be good about blogging lately. I love to read a blog called http://www.kellyskornerblog.com/. Kelly is a sweet southern girl who has a little girl and another on the way. She does a show us your life on her blog. This month's theme is tell about your family (the one you had growing up)...so I thought I would participate!
Father- Gregg Allen Skelly...My dad is from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I am so proud of my dad and am very thankful that I had him as my father growing up. He did not start out life with the best of circumstances. He was in and out of foster homes growing up. Just when a family would want to adopt him, his not fit mother would take him back. Finally he just reached an age where people did not want to adopt kids that old. Anyway, he joined the navy, met my mom, worked very hard in his career (started at a bag boy at the grocery store..just received a promotion to senior vice president in charge of all the Super Ones's...The thing I love most about my dad is that he is a hard worker and is very loyal.
Mother- Linda (linduchi) Machen Skelly...My mom was raised by a full blooded Italian. My mom is wonderful...so much fun, so much personality. My mom was a stay at home mother who raised 4 daugthers. My mom has spunk...and works hard. It was nothing to come home from school and my mom tore down a wall or built a huge bar. She is so creative and has such a grand design style. The things I will always remember out my mom- she made every holiday special, all of our birthday parties- she went all out-, and she loves to travel...that is wear all the Skelly girls got our passion. She convinces my father to do home exchanges all over the world. She has a ton of friends and is someone you can always count on....She has helped all 4 girls decorate and work on our houses a million times!!!!
Oldest sister- April Lynn Dotson- April is the free spririt. She worked on a fishing boat in Alsaka for many years. She owns a coffee shop/ resturant in the Bitter Root Mtns in Mullan, Idaho...She always said she would not have kids, but met her husband Mike, and they now have a spunky 5 year old named Olivia. April is the hardest worker, so talented, such a wonderful person. April has never met a stranger.
Middle Sister- Michelle Lynn Mayne- If you looked up hard worker in the dictionary you would see Michelle. She has a 10 month old, 5 year old, 15 year old..works full time and is back in college...She is so much fun and loves to Travel. If you ever needed anything, she would be the one to call.
Twin Sister- Christa Elizabeth Wison- my best friend. we do everything together...We even teach at the same high school (I teach 12th grade economics and she teaches 12th grade Government)....we both have our masters in administration to be a principal...we are both go-getters, but she is the one who starts the process...when we were in high school she decided she wanted to be a foreign exchange student to Italy, so we did it...she decided she wanted to graduate from high school in 3 years, so we did it...She is a wonderful mom and wife. She has 2 beautiful kids (Paige 12 and Will 8)...and 2 beautiful step children (Abby and Allison)...and a wonderful husband Brad...she is my partner in crime..We have traveled to Europe a ton of times together and are almost attached at the hip...haha...
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