Isabella found this disney hot pink head band...she won't take it off...too cute. Today she threw herself on the floor at daycare because she didn't want to go potty...the teachers are teaching her that when she wines they say "use your words"..I am still in awe of the new daycare. It is amazing. The other day Isabella's report said they learned the letter H and tasted hotdogs, honeycombs, and something else..They did a volcano experiment. We have gone from the old school that would not send 1 thing home to the new school that sends piles of awesome work. I bought a huge bulletin board to hang up in the game room to hang the work...there was no more space on the fridge. I also took Christa's suggestion...I bought 2 large storage containers that can slide under the girls' bed. I will choose the best art and keep it in it along with report cards, YMCA swim certificates, etc.
Isabella is super excited about her role as flower girl this Friday. My friend Diana is getting married and asked Isabella to be a flower girl. I am going to take lots of pictures!!!!
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