
sick, sick, and sick

So the Wilcox house has been the "sick house" for 2 weeks straight....The first week was the worst...both girls had the stomach flu....lots of vomiting and diarrhea...sorry if it is tmi...Dave was awesome and took 3 days off...(he worked from home)...and I took 2 days off. I have pretty much run out of sick days, so everyday I do not go to work, we are losing money....Last Monday the girls went back to daycare, where they both proceeded to get colds...our entire house now has it...the picture I am including is pretty funny...When Dave keeps the girls at home, he usually keeps them in their feet jammies and throws on a pair of jeans over them....saves time and effort he says...

1 comment:

Melissa Griffith said...

Can I say how much I love this idea-the feet jammies and jeans, I mean. I think I'll just start doing that for work :)