
Isabella 16 months

It has been awhile since I have updated everything Isabella is doing. She is such a sweet girl. The daycare keeps saying they want her to be at school instead of me keeping her at home...they miss her:)

- talks a lot....puts words together
- still calls milk "coke"...I think it is because she can't pronounce the "mil"
- does the sign language for milk when she wants it
- says "all gone"
- throws her own diapers away in the trash (along with other things we don't want thrown away :)"
- brings us Sophia's diaper, paci
- loves chocolate and ice cream
- loves dancing, "shaking her booty", singing along with songs
- is still a pretty picky eater
- likes bagels, pancakes, and white milk
- started eating gummy vitamins
- likes to sleep in...will sleep until 8 or 9 if we let her....but always is happy when she has had enough sleep
- loves for us to read books to her
- loves being a big sister
- loves her blankies

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