
Teddy Bear Picnic

Sophia has been looking forward to the Teddy Bear Picnic (organized by my MOPS group) at Bear Creek Park to celebrate National Teddy Bear Day (October 9).  We dropped Isabella off at school and then came back home to get ready.  Sophia decided to take the brown bear my mom bought her in France and the small white bear Dave and I bought her in San Francisco (for Finley to use).

The picnic was so cute!  We met up with Melissa and Sawyer and lots of other cute kids.  There was a cute little girl who started playing with Sophia's small white bear.  Sophia was very gracious about it....at first....after about an hour the little girl was on the play ground still playing with it and Sophia decided she wanted her bear back.  I kept trying to tell her "sharing is caring"...blah, blah, but she wasn't having it.  I asked her to see if the little girl wanted to switch her brown bear for the white bear...Sophia thought about that for a second and then decided, nope..."I want both my bears".  I held her off until we were about to leave.  I think the girl's mom saw our conversation and Sophia wanting her bear back.  The little girl gave it back, but it was so sad...she cried and cried!

After the picnic we had some time to kill so I asked Sophia what she wanted to do. She said she wanted to do a craft.  We ended up stopping by the pottery place and she got to paint an Elephant.  She enjoyed the mommy and me time.  Monday Isabella and I will have time alone at her girl scout meeting.

On a VERY POSITIVE note....My twin sister has finally gotten better!!! Praise the Lord!!! This has been the worst 3 weeks of her life.  After seeing an ENT, numerous emergency room doctors, 2 neurologists, and others, she was finally properly diagnosed by a physical therapist.  She has cervicogenic dizziness...basically her neck was not aligned correctly so she felt like the room was spinning all the time.

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