
Isabella and the Cat

We have the best friends ever. Our friends Misty, Boyd, and Lora have been kind enough to watch Isabella while Dave and I attend baptismal classes at the Catholic Church so that Isabella can get baptised. The first time she was pretty fussy, but this time they said she was good....(or at least they told us that)...Isabella loves Misty's cat Dexter....too cute....

This past weekend Christa and I took the senior women to a tea party at the Ashland House. 18 girls showed up and we all wore hats. They were so well behaved and we were proud of them when they all told us thank you at the end. We spent Sunday out and about trying to kill time while people were looking at our house. Yes, we our house is still on the market (putting it up for sale during the holidays probably not the best idea) but we have had a good amount of interest since the new year. Keep your fingers crossed that we have an offer. We can wait to have a bigger house so Isabella will have a place for all of her gigantic toys!!! We are also looking forward to moving to suburbia.

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