
Can we take tonight off of blogging...

That is what Dave asked me...which is pretty funny since he hasn't helped me so far...what would he have to take a night off from...haha...Sophia goes to bed at 7 and Isabella at 8:30....Every night Isabella sneaks into our room a million times...We (I mean Dave) brings her back upstairs about 4 or 5 times...then we give up...then we all sleep lousy...tonight we are locking the door..I told Isabella I would give her chocolate in the morning if she stayed in her big girl bed all night...I feel like Dave and I are Generation X...then you have the millenials who are the "time out" generation, and our kids will be the bribing generation...I will give you this if you do that....all about negotiations....

Yesterday my dad got promoted to Senior VP for Super One...we are all so proud of him...Mom and Dad are moving to Tyler, Texas (but keeping their house on the bayou)...who would have thought a foster kid from Michigan would end up being such a wonderful person, husband, father, grandfather, worker, and just overall great person....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that my parents taught all of us to be hardworkers....

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