
Senior Picnic...

The end of the era has come...Christa and I's last a lot of Spring Woods things. Friday was the senior picnic. We have been the Senior Women sponsors for the last few years. Our organization had over 300 dollars left in the account so we decided to go to Academy Friday morning a buy a ton of fun picnic games for them to play and then pass to the following cla
sses...Volleyball, nerf ball, kick ball, crochet...It was a blast. The kids were awesome. Funny story to put me in my place. There was a girl who seemed to have an attitude from day one...She just didn't like me. I got over it and we kind of made a truce. At the picnic I was signing her in and I said, "___ you didn't like me at the beginning of the semester did you? ____no....me "did you change your mind towards the end"... ______ "no"....haha...at least she was honest....all is good:)

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