
Happy 1st birthday Finley Katherine

We love you so much!!!! You are the caboose of our family and we can't imagine life without you.

- are very serious
- say random words- I tickled you that other day and you pointed at me and said no!
- you are the best eater!!!! Better than your sisters
- you need a morning and afternoon nap
- you try and sneak up the stairs and you are laughing the whole way
- you are not a morning person
- you study things before reacting to them
- you are like a little doll
- you look at us with an unblinking gaze, make eye contact and then you start laughing
- you are amout two minutes a way from walking, and have been for months
- you love your car that people push you around in
- you hate being out down for a nap, bedtime, hate diaper changes and hate being buckled in a car seat
- you can hold you own bottle
- you love your family
- you try and pet the dogs but sometimes  you are just hitting them 
- you love baths with your big sisters
- you tear bows out of your hair
- you are very petite, you weigh about 16 lbs
- you make our family so happy!!!
-we love you Finley Kathrine!

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