
birthday parties...

This weekend Dave was in Austin at a bachelor party.  The girls and I were on our own:)  I am so grateful that Danny and Ashlee did not mind watching Sophia while I took Isabella to two birthday parties.  The first was at a jump place and the second place at My Little Gym.  Both were great parties.  I got a chance to just watch Isabella interact with her friends...she is such a social person...talks and talks and talks some more:)

After the parties the girls and I, and Danny and Ashlee went to Lupe Tortilla for dinner.  We all then came back to the house to chill out and watch a movie. Ashlee is so sweet.  Isabella is super excited about learning to read.  Ashlee made her a little book to read about her two birthday parties. 

Today is going to be low key.  I am going to do school work and grocery shopping.  I can't wait when I can just focus on my family:)  Life is great!

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