
Full Circle...the Kindness Chain...

Today came full circle.  It all started last week when I received the nicest email from a parent saying how much her child enjoyed my class...It made my day...I decided that every day I would take a few minutes to email a few parents to say how much I enjoyed having their child in my class...That is easy...at Stratford my students are so wonderful.  They treat me with respect, pay attention, and really enjoy the classroom.  When I see them in the hall they always smile and say hi.  I have always taught nice kids, but at Stratford it is different.  I can't pin point it.  Anyway, so I start emailing parents nice things.  Yesterday one of the parents forwarded my email to my principal (my new boss)...he sent me a nice email this morning.  From the parents response it dawned on me that in his Principal's message to the parents he mentioned how nice it would be to email a teacher about the great job they were doing...I did not realize this, had a parent do this, and then I payed it forward....All of this was free....I felt good, the parents felt good...And, I really meant every word I was writing.  I really like my students.  I struggled trying to figure out AP Macroeconomics and now that I really understand it, I am excited about it and want to present the information to the students in a way that is not so intimidating...

Isabella went to Dewberry Farms on a field trip today...She had a blast...especially the hayride.  Sophia wanted to go, but was ok with the fact that she would have to wait until she go bigger.  I feel bad because Isabella is at an age where she is getting invited to lots of birthday parties and gets to go on field trips.  Sophia is so close to all the same exciting things happening.

On the potty training front.  Sophia wore big girl panties all day...I was so proud of her.  Tonight she came and said "mommy change my poo poo"..she snuck and put a pull up on so she could poo poo...the problem was that she did not take her panties off first!!! Oh well...we will get this!!!!

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