
Tortilla "AKA Sophia"

Sophia will be 4 next month
-          Last night Dave was pouring me a glass of wine...I said to both girls.."When you get married, I want you girls to marry someone as wonderful as your father."  Sophia replied "When I get married I want to marry someone with hair".
-          Class clown, she loves attention and to get noticed!
-          Very affectionate, loves playing with her little sissy
-          Loves giving big hugs and kisses
-          Always hugging Molly
-          Always smiling
-          Halloween – trick or treat...Isabella tried to teach her trick or treat, smell my feat, give me something good to eat...if you don't, I don't care, I will smell your underware... Sophia's version was different and FUNNY!
-          Started recognizing sight words
-          Loves attention
-          Loves school--- I ask if she wants to stay home or go to school…she says go to school.
-          Says kissing is gross…
-          Mommy, did I go to your wedding?  Why? This was a question she asked me tonight. 
-          I like dogs- Sophia told me this tonight...
-          Mommy, I like cats…something else she told me. 

-          Her teacher is named Ms. Maria…but she says Ms. Rea…she gets mad when we correct her…

A conversation with Sophia
My favorite phrase is "I like Finley and I like making pie and I love to eat pie and I go to sleep a lot. And I put my pull up on"
My favorite food is sushi
The coolest person on the earth is ME
When I grow up I’m going to be a MOM
My favorite color is light blue
My favorite song is ABC…I mean…bah bah black sheep
When I’m ouside I love to play
If I could go anywherei n the world, I’d go to anywhere I can eat.
When I was little I used to play with that thing (pointed at Finley’s swing)
My best friend is Adlay
My favorite snack is pretzels
My favorite movie is the Croods
My favorite thing to do with Isabella is crafts
My favorite thing to do with Finley is to play with her
My favorite book is a Princess one

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