
Valentines Day

Valentines Day was great....the girls and I are so blessed...I told Dave he didn't have to get me flowers or anything...I am super glad he doesn't listen to me.  He stopped by my school and brought me flowers, a balloon and the sweetest card...I almost cried...it is just how thoughtful he is.  One of my student's moms made me chocolate covered strawberries and another gave me a huge candy bar.  I also have a co-worker (I teach her son) that gave me a beautiful box of gourmet chocolates...Of course I didn't tell them I gave up ice cream and sweets for Lent....which I am super glad I did because all of this stuff looked SOOO good!!!

The girls made out like bandits at school for their parties....brought bags full of cards and candy.  Isabella proclaimed she liked Valentines day better than Halloween....I can see why...less work...you don't have to dress up...haha...

I came home, finished setting the table and decorating.  I then picked the girls up.  I didn't have time to cook dinner so the plan was to pick up something. I was going to stop at Whole Foods, but decided to go across the street instead and try a healthy joint called on the Go...it is healthy, gluten free food...I ordered Sophia mac and cheese (it was good!), Isabella a healthy burger and sweet potato fries, and for Dave and I a Greek Plate (sooo good!!!) and a fajita wrap to share...the fajita wrap was soosoo...  I feel like we waited to long to eat it (waiting for Dave) but would definitely go back...healthy options are always good.

Dave came home and we enjoyed our food to a candle lit dinner....We ran out of time for the craft (painting canvases) so I told the girls we could do that soon....Life is good!!!  The only thing that was missing was a nice glass of red wine...which I shall enjoy with our extended family next Valentines Day!!!

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