
cutie patooties!

Today was GREAT!!! Happy Colombus day...which meant no work for me...The girls and I slept in (until 7:30) and then I took them to school because I had a dentist cleaning....I recently got my 4th and final bridge in my mouth (I was born with 4 baby teeth that didn't have permanant ones...2 bottom, 2 top)...I got bridges for 3 of them in Mexico a few years ago...I wou
ld have gotten the 4th, but the baby tooth was still in tact...long story short...I had to have the last baby tooth extracted in 2008...I then just had a hole you couldnt' see...I started going to the Cinco Ranch dental across from my neighborhood when we moved to Katy...they have seen me several times for cleaning, but 2 times to have my bridge reattached because I ate candy and it came off (no more carmel apples, milk duds, etc for me)...anyway, the receptionist made a mistake and wrote the wrong teeth numbers, so the insurance declined to pay any of my 4th bridge (which they should have)....they kept saying I already had a bridge there....so, because the mistake has been found, hopefully I won't be out more than the 1300 I had to pay...(uh)! The gross thing was they gave me all the plaster ones they made of my teeth...I was confused why they would give them to me...(I joked...is this to identify my body??)....no, if my bridge comes loose, then I can save money and bring the molds I have back! I then went and worked out, went to Target, went grocery shopping, and then came home and cleaned house/ did laundry for a couple of hours and then did lesson plans....I had a 4pm teacher parent conference with Sophia's teacher. The conference went really well....Here is what the teacher said... -She is on par developmentally (acutally ahead of many of the kids)....very smart - LOVES to paint - loves to go through the stations fast so she can do all of them... - is a social bird.... - loves to hold hands with other kids - does sometimes take toys away from other kids, but when she is caught, she "plays dumb and starts patting the kids in a sweet way". - I said that at home she plays dumb sometimes, but I know she knows....the teacher said she does the same thing at school - She is the class comedian - They said they would work with the potty training when she is ready...I said she was not interested at all at home.... The teacher said she would probably move to the next class around March....which seems great....sooner if they deem she is ready before.... Isabella's report today was not as good....apparently she "was having an off day" and threw a tantrum at nap time...they put her away from the rest of the kids.... Her teacher parent conference is on Thursday.... These past few weeks have been safety week....Today the fire truck came to the school....both girls ahd a blast checking it out.... Here is an overview of Sophia's report: Always-- holds crayon or marker in hand, jumps in place, runs, participates in group activities, enjoys walks and trips, playns near other children, develops imaginary play (she got an AA by this one), enjoys simple observalbe experiences, washes and dries hands, asks to be read to, knows first name, points to all body parts, enjoys new tactile experiences, hums and sings spontaneously, uses specific movements during songs Sometimes- stands on one foot, wlaks on balance beam, walks backwards, walks on tip-toes, walks up and down stairs, seats self at table, enjoys pelasing others, knows where toys belong, begins to understand "cause and effect", recognizes plants (flower, tree), observes animals (fish in tank, pets, birds), removes most clothing, attempts to speak in sentences, hold conversations on toy or real telephone, ask "why" and 'where questions, points to named objects, puts 2 to 5 piece puzzle together, porints to appropriate pictures druing story, builds block tower, marks in circular motion with crayon, marker, or paint brush, glues, wuses wrist action to paint, manipulates play-dough, asks for specific song or CD, paints ryhythmically to music... Never- matches baby and adult animals, understands potty-training, puts on own coat, unzips own zipper, refers to self by name, knows gender identity, pours from one cup to another, tears paper, copies a circle

1 comment:

nana said...

I am so impressed with their daycare!!