
Out of the woods?

I am hoping the Wilcox house is out of the woods as far as sickness goes.  Dave brought the girls to school today but I asked him to drive in today and tomorrow to work in case they call about Sophia.  So far she seems fine, but you just never know.  I think Dave may have gotten a tad of it from Isabella.  He said he wasn't feeling that great last night.

Yesterday was a good day.  Work was great and I learned that one of my student's uncles started a charity to raise money for orphans in Africa.  The kids at my school are holding a Mr. SHS pageant and all the proceeds go to the charity.  They are also selling t-shirts to raise money.  I decided to buy a couple of shirts because the story is very inspiring.  The charity is called Oasis for Orphans.  (http://www.oasisfororphans.org).  Another one of my students saw me buying the shirts and asked if I wanted to buy Nike shorts.  I guess one of the sports teams is selling Nike stuff for a fundraiser...I replied, "only if the proceeds will benefit orphans in Africa".... I am really proud of how caring these kids are at such a young age.  They are very mature and kind to one another.  I feel that a lot of it is that most of them are raised in stable, educated families.  It makes me sad to think of all the at risk kids I have spent most of my teaching career teaching.

Everything is going great with the pregnancy.  I am 19 weeks.  The only thing I am finding is that I am still suffering from extreme exhaustion.  With Isabella and Sophia I was not nearly this tired.  I talked to Michelle last night and she said that her third pregnancy was the same way.  I have a dr. appointment Tuesday (to find out the sex of the baby) and will ask my dr. if there is anything I can do.  I am going to try and eat healthier and see if that works and drink a lot more water.

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