
Freckles and Kitty

Freckles and Kitty is a little girl's clothing company that I really like.  I think it is sold in boutiques, but I ordered the girls a few of their dresses from Zuily.  The girls wore their new dresses today.  When I picked them up I asked if anyone said they like their dresses.  Sophia responds "Caleb said he liked my dress".  Isabella says "nobody told me they like my dress, but I know they did"...She is such a ham.

The girls and I decided we were going to try a new fast causal restaurant for dinner called Zoey's Kitchen.  I thought it was a salad place, but it is a Mediterranean restaurant.  It was pretty good.  I am really happy tomorrow is Thursday.  I am taking half a day off from work so that I can register Isabella for Kindergarten. I can't believe my baby will be at the big school next school year!!!!

Everything is going good with my pregnancy.  I am starting to feel Finley kick a little more.  Monday I have another ultra sound which I am happy about.  I am hoping my doctor will induce me at 39 weeks like he did with Sophia...that would mean I would have about 17 weeks left...not too shabby:)

Isabella is learning about Penguins at school this week.  Every day she has cute stories to tell.  I am wondering if she would enjoy the Documentary on Penguins.

Work is good...some of my coworkers say, "are you checked out yet...I am...I am so ready for the end of the school year.." They know that I am staying home next year...I laugh and tell them of course I am not checked out...I really can't be because I have to get these kids ready for the AP exam...But the day after the AP Exam (May 16)..I am going to be SOOO HAPPY!!!!  I really will see the end of the school year then..

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