
Spoiled milk...

I thought we were finished with  the milk drama...I was wrong..Sunday I went grocery shopping and picked up a gallon of chocolate milk from the store.  Dave unloaded the groceries.  I asked him where the chocolate milk was...he said he didn't see it.  I assumed I left it at the store or in the shopping cart...fast forward to 3:30 pm today...I am getting in my car to go home from work and look in my rear view mirror to see the milk...it is on the console between the girls car seats...I couldn't believe that it did not smell....whew...dodged the bullet on that one:)

Christa texted me a picture of a present she bought for Finley....I am super excited.  Finley has been kicking me a lot...So happy!!!! Love the kicks!

I picked up the girls and took them to dance.  They were so cute.  We got home and were surprised that Dave beat us.  He was folding laundry when we got home...he is really awesome!!!

Tonight Sophia was reading a sight word book to me.  I realized that she wasn't reading the words...Instead, she memorized all the words on every page...I will take it!

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